WireWorks: SWAN
Miss SWAN has arrived and all is going well so far...Can't really explain how this one happened but it did and I'm quite happy with her.
About two years ago my neighbours let go of a white plastic bag that ended up in a big tree. It's still there and has taken on many different shapes and probably will do so for a lot longer. This could have very well been the foundation for this work...
When I was doing a bit of bending one day she just appeared... A lonely pearl fitted perfectly.
The broken crappy plastic bag came dancing toward me in the street one day and I took it home, probably to throw away, which I appearently forgot. It didn't need anything doing to it, I cleaned it and just folded it in and out and through the frame and attached it to get a nice 3D effect.
The whole thing reminds me of ballet, the fragility, tutu's... Swan lake, to which my dad took me to see for the first time when I was a little girl.
Some sort of a backdrop seemed necessary, odd bits of paper, lace, teabagpaper with string and tag this time. Adding a bit of sparkle here and there and inevitably she's draging some debris along with her. Some seashells, bits of glass, my message in a (perfume test) bottle and a piece of mirror... I just had a look:)
Have a look: http://www.day4art.nl/kunstwerk/135594405_SWAN.html#.Uza2k1wrF1c