WireWorks: SECRETS
I found this (zwerfie) on the Snoekjesgracht in Amsterdam and it looked odd. Was it a grater? No. Wat was it? No one knew but to me it looked like a little window. In my mind I saw the many little lovely windows I have visited in the world, in palaces, churches, ruins, places like that. To me they scream secrets and present lots of questions and pondering. (I like that word!) What is going on behind it? What happend there? They always look lovely to me, standing on the outside...
The window is helped by used bits of cardboard, teabagpapers, some old 'secretive' :) letters, a little story in Arabic, symbolic for some whispery stuff I imagine going on. An old bit of lace flowers, a paint mixing stick and a little book I made. I'm not sure yet why there had to be a book only know it had to be so...:) It's coming from the inside, the book of secrets, the book of souls..? Pondering.
Lots going on in this one! Click here: http://www.day4art.nl/kunstwerk/136651754_SECRETS.html#.U0KG98a6xNM