WireWorks: TAGGED (by Mr.Nelson)
It took a bit longer this time for this one to fly out but here it is. Another very fragile (as butterflies go) little WireWork.
TAGGED (by Mr Nelson) it really should be Lord Nelson but I liked Mister better, named after one of our favorite (green) tea's at the moment and as we drink, we're left with all those used bags 'n tags. These together with the coffee filters gave me the idea of this Nelson's butterfly.
The basic frame I already had, made a while back so most of the work went into the bending and shaping and covering of the butterfly itself, made out of 12 pieces in total. Definitly not good for fingers.
Bits of burlap, fruitnets, the (in many other WireWorks used 'prop') net curtains and ofcourse the teabag papers with tags and some coffee filters I got of a friend who still makes his coffee the old fashioned way:) No plastic or metal little cups just plain old paper filters. Luckily for me he was out of the unbleached version and had used his back-up stash of accidentally bought white ones. Much better for painting colours. I noticed that when you (when still a bit moist) rip them they give you a nice frayed edge. Only on one odly shaped side unfortunaly, but they looked quite feathery so in they went.
TAGGED is slightly bent and the two topwings stick out about 2,5 cm, something that is invisible on the picture. With the branch that would make the whole work stick out about 4 cm.
Definitly one of the more fragile works in this series, hope you enjoy :)
Check it out here: http://day4art.exto.org/kunstwerk/139584038_TAGGED+%28by+Mr.+Nelson%29.html#.U2dkLsa6xNM